Training Information
This ACEs Aware Supplemental Training utilizes concepts from “Ka’m-t’em: A Journey Toward Healing” to change and save lives by helping providers understand the importance of screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences and training providers to respond with trauma-informed care to mitigate the health impacts of toxic stress.
Ka’m-t’em: The Impact of ACEs and Toxic Stress on Indigenous Communities
This 7-module supplemental training has been certified by the Office of the Surgeon General of California and the ACEs Aware Initiative.
At the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Define Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and their prevalence, health disparities in these data, toxic stress physiology, and related impacts on health, including underlying biological mechanisms.
- Describe how providing trauma-informed care for Indigenous communities of California, must include an understanding of their histories and how these experiences relate to intergenerational transmission of adversity and protective factors from an Indigenous perspective.
- Describe how the content of these modules support screening for ACEs and treatment of toxic stress in Indigenous communities.
Training modules include:
Module 1: ACEs Aware Mission
Module 2: Ka’m-t’em: A Journey Toward Healing
Module 3: Preparing for Trauma-Informed Care in Indigenous Communities
Module 4: Indigenous Tribes of California
Module 5: Intergenerational Transmission of Adversity
Module 6: Activities to Interrupt Toxic Stress Response
Module 7: Bridging and Assessment
Registrants, please plan to attend all 7-modules.