Resources to Access Curriculum

Del Norte Unified School District

This site houses American Indian Teacher’s Curriculum Packets for 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 11th, and 12th grades that were designed by Del Norte Unified School District educators. Examples of curriculum packets include 4th grade history curriculum, 5th grade review of California Indians, and 8th grade curriculum on the California Gold Rush.

Del Norte Unified School District Logo

Indian Tribal Educational Personnel Program (ITEPP)

The Native American Center at Humboldt State University also known as the Indian Tribal Educational Personnel Program is a tremendous resource for American Indian Education curriculum. ITEPP maintains an on-site curriculum and resource library, as well as access to online videos, curriculum links, and materials on Native Identity.


Klamath-Trinity Joint Unified School District

The Klamath-Trinity Curriculum Project, a project under the Klamath-Trinity School District’s Indian Education Program, is dedicated to producing Native American cultural curriculum materials of the highest quality that address state standards.

Klamath-Trinity Joint Unified School Disctrict
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